
It's been a while, but I'm back

My dear blog, how I have neglected you. I had such high hopes when I first started you, and then well, I guess I gave those up...or forgot about you...or something like that. I really don't have a strong excuse for my negligence. If this was court, my sentence would be read right about now.

But since it's not, and since blogs don't have any real feelings (at least none that can be proven) I'm back. And my hopes are high again for this place. Sure, there's a bit of dust in places, and it looks a bit outdated, but with a little TLC I'll have this baby up and running again.

Why the sudden interest in you again? My goal for 2012 is that once a month I will complete something that challenges my comfort zone. Not only is this blog a good place for me to document everything, it is actually something that challenges my comfort zone itself. It's scary throwing yourself out there saying "hey internet (read:world), this is me."

Do I know what I'm going to blog about? Not really. Am I scared that I will discover no one cares about what I have to say? Isn't everyone? I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't think I would run into challenges, but that is exactly what 2012 is all about.

So, hey internet! This is me.

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