
I see London, I see France...

...everyone in Calgary can see Kathryn's underpants.

I've been working for the Underwear Affair for two weeks now and I LOVE IT! I get to walk around Calgary, be out at the bars and go to various expos and events to promote the event - all while wearing my underwear. Yes, it may seem strange, but believe me it's beyond fun. The crazier we dress, the better response we get....and it's also a good excuse to walk up to cute boys and talk to them ;)

But don't worry, I'm not in sexy underpants - I'm in Joe Boxers as they are our national sponsors. This is about the only place where being sexy doesn't sell - it's all about costumes and being fun.

Not much else has changed around here - still getting to know the city and liking it more each day. I'm starting to really miss home though and all the small things about it. Lucky for me, we have free long distance so I can make as many calls as I want to make me feel closer. Hopefully the time will continue to pass quickly and June will be here before I know it and I will be at home for a visit. Fingers crossed.


superblackgirl said...

a) where are the pictures?
b) where is my phone call?
c) i miss you.

Kathryn Smith said...

a) I haven't taken many. I might go out tomorrow and take some (I have the day off)

b) I want your home number so I can call you and you don't get charged on your cell....text me it?

c) I miss you too!