Committing 101: Snowboarding
My goal for February was to snowboard in the mountains. My prior snowboarding experience was limited - it pretty much consisted of me struggling to stand up on the board, avoiding the dozens of 7 year olds on the bunny hill at COP, and my brother patiently waiting for me to stop crying after a hard fall. Clearly, this does not a pro snowboarder make.
I signed up for two adult lessons at COP before I ventured to the mountains. And after the instructor taught me how to stand (I swear it's much harder than it looks) I knew I was headed in the right direction. The biggest hurdle I faced was committing to snowboarding. I had to put my fear of falling aside and commit to the turn and commit to going faster. It was a huge challenge, but once I did it snowboarding and I connected. Facing the fear of commitment helped in another area of my life too, but I'll save that for my March update.
Those two lessons gave me enough confidence to tackle the mountains. Two of my girlfriends (who were new skiers) and I decided to start with the least intimidating, easiet and closest hill: Nakiska.
After buying our lift tickets, and suiting up. We were ready to tackle the hill. For the record, snowboarding and skiing is not a glamour sport. Your jacket/helmet colour is basically the one way to tell if you're male or female.
We began our day with a green run - the glorified bunny hill, but it was still pretty high up there!
We did about ten runs before breaking for lunch, and after regaining our energy we decided we needed a bigger challenge. Ignoring our nerves, we got on the chair lift for the blue run and about ten minutes later we were at the top.
Ok, yeah.... we're a bit higher here, but I was happy to find out it wasn't that much harder. Everything I learned about snowboarding still applied, nothing had changed except the distance to the bottom (and from time to time the steepness of the hill). But I could do it! And I wasn't terrified.
After our day I felt proud of myself (and my girlfriends) for what I accomplished. I faced my fear of snowboarding head on and found out that it wasn't really that bad....not even close actually! And in fact, the reward made facing that fear worth it. I was on top of a mountain and had an amazing view. From now on I'll look forward to our winters knowing I'll be able to enjoy the view a little more from the top.
Looking Back: January
2012 is a big year for me. You know that Seinfeld episode where George yells, "It's the summer of George!" Well, just picture me in my rocking chair with my knitting needles, surrounded by dozens of cats screaming "It's the year of Kathryn." But seriously, I don't have a rocking chair.
I may feel like a crazy spinster lately, but 2011 was rough one for me and I knew I had to make big changes.
So late last year I sat down and made a lot of plans and set a lot of goals for 2012. I looked at who I wanted to be and made three categories of goals - finances, health, work - to help me become that person. From that I made dozens of smaller, attainable goals that would get me on the right track overall. While I've stuck to the majority of my goals, there's always room for improvement.
I made an extremely detailed budget (of course I did) and have been diligent in tracking what I'm spending. My biggest downfall? Shopping. I knew this would be my achilles heal from the start. I love to shop when I'm happy, I love to shop when I'm sad. There's no escaping it and it's really what is preventing me from meeting my financial goals. Even knowing this I find it hard to stop. Has anyone ever been on Intervention for a shopping addiction??
This is the area I'm proudest of. Sure there's times (such as tonight) where I've bailed on workout plans, but overall I have dragged my butt to the gym/pool/yoga studio more times than not. I feel stronger, sleep better and - best of all - I CAN ALMOST TOUCH MY TOES. I have never been able to do this before (I swear my legs are too long), and I can't wait for that day to come.
I had a performance review last week that went extremely well. There will be lots of exciting opportunities in the near future for me, as well as some intense training programs. I'm looking forward to the challenge.
I started 2012 off strong and heading into February I'm more determined than ever to complete all of my goals. My challenge for February is to snowboard in the mountains. Tomorrow night I have my first lesson at COP. I'm terrified that I will fall and break something, but a little fear in life never hurt anyone. *knocks on wood*
The Lemon Meringue Cupcake
For the past few weeks I've been itching for a challenge in the kitchen and for our first book club meeting I decided it was the perfect occasion to break out the lemon meringue cupcake. I made the vanilla cupcakes (the base) on Saturday so I could focus on the meringue on Sunday.
I got home from yoga Sunday afternoon and went straight to the kitchen, rolled up my sleeves, and broke out the whisk and egg whites. It only took about ten minutes until the egg whites started to form "soft peaks." I felt good about where it was going....then I added the simple syrup. Suddenly my soft peaks were gone and I was left with a runny mixture. I kept whisking away, determined to see this to the end.
Another 20 minutes passed and there were no changes. My arms hurt and I was feeling defeated so I decided to break out the electric mixer. I had avoided this from the start for fear of it ruining the meringue, but I was close to giving up and thought "how much harm could it really do?"
After mixing for 15 minutes I could see a difference. It was getting so close! I kept mixing, and mixing.....and mixing. And finally, it was holding its shape. I had done it.....after an hour of whisking and mixing.
SERIOUSLY? How did women do this 70 years ago without any electric appliances? Their arms must have been jacked. Forget yoga arms, let's all aim for meringue arms. That's where the real definition is at!
With all the work I put in them, I was delighted with the final product.

My So-Called Dating Life
Since I moved to Calgary, I have dabbled in the online dating scene. Usually it plays out in the following way: we message, move to texting and decide to meet. If we make it to meeting, this is when I realize, contrary to their online profile and messages, they are nothing like how I imagined. (Insert my Mom, “Honey, maybe your standards are too high.” Really Mom? Do you want me to settle??) It’s a shame the online world leads me to interpret their messages with my tone and sense of humour. I should read messages in a computer voice to determine if I’m truly interested. If you can hold my interest while speaking in a monotone then I think you’d have a fighting chance.
My friends keep telling me to continue with online dating, but it’s a big time commitment and, to be honest, it’s a bit annoying. Do I really want to filter through messages from 40 year old creepers telling me that we are meant to be together because of my beautiful eyes? While I appreciate the compliments, I can’t help but gag a little. What women fall for these lines?
On the other end are the guys who take time to write something original, and try to be funny while doing so. Unfortunately, I am rarely interested or attracted to these guys. One guy wrote “I'm sure you're a cool, intelligent person and all, but what I'm still debating about is, in my experience the prettier a girl is, the more insane she is, which would make you quite insane.” When he referenced the hot-to-crazy-ratio, I laughed out loud and then I looked at his profile and realized we had nothing in common, I wasn’t attracted to him and he was short. A for effort – at least you don’t make me gag.
Somewhere between these creepy and funny guys are guys that I’m actually interested in. They have good jobs, families and friends, and are witty, smart and caring. The conversation was easy and interesting, and when we decide to exchange numbers or emails I have no reservations about it. I recently did this with “Dave,” but as soon as the first few text messages were exchanged, red flags appeared. He mentioned it was his birthday, so I wished him a happy one and asked what he wanted. “Health for my friends and family, and a girlfriend that loves me. We’ll see what you can help with :)” Could this message scream co-dependent any louder – I don’t even know the guy and he’s dropping the words girlfriend and love? CALM DOWN! I wanted to reply “Well, I’ll make sure I start eating salads and hit the gym to stay healthy.” Instead I changed the subject and said something came up and I couldn’t meet later that week. Smooth. (after re-reading this I realize how I sound like a commit-a-phobe.)
As I mentioned, when I do decide to meet a guy they usually turn out nothing like I imagined. Take Hippie Boy. I dubbed him Hippie Boy because on our first date he told me his parents raised him vegan, but that he had recently become a vegetarian. That should have been my first red flag, but I looked past his meatless diet because he was nice, funny, smart and SO tall. We went on five dates, had chemistry, great discussions and he always told me how cute I was. He even took me for a float down the Bow River and prepared an island picnic for us (go veggie burgers!) complete with homemade potato salad and beer. *swoon* The problem? He never even tried to hold my hand, let alone try anything else. I’m a modern woman, but I believe men should take the lead in areas like this. You’re trying to woo me remember Hippie Boy? An awkward hug at the end of the date will not help you do this. Grab your balls and make a move already.
I know a lot of friends who have had success in the online dating world, and I know their standards are not lower than mine, so why do I attract all these duds? Is my Mom right – are my standards really too high? But if I'm not attracted to the guy, or I'm put-off by something he said, should I really continue with it? Why waste my time? Maybe instead of perusing these dating websites, I should be looking at the Calgary Humane Society to find my perfect cat. My perfect cat would never do any of the above. Just saying.
Single White Female, Addicted to Retail
I have so many dresses, skirts, tops and pants that I could literally go for months without wearing the same thing twice. If I switched up the shoes, accessories and purses I could go for years. My mother has repeatedly told me that I have more clothes than she's had in her lifetime. It's her 57th birthday today, so that's a lot of clothes.
Every month I have a budget and every month I tell myself: NO MORE SHOPPING. My budget for January was so detailed that I mapped out all my weekend plans and allocated my funds accordingly. I thought this would give me a greater chance of staying out of the mall.
Everything was going great until today....when I found myself at the Gap on my lunch hour. Sure, I was there to make a return, but did you know their Spring line is out? Did you know it's full of bright colours and amazing prints?? I did because I was on their website earlier in the week (mistake number one.
I decided to "just have a look around" before I made my return (mistake number two.) That's when I stumbled upon this:
Ok, I'm starting to sound crazy. It's been three hours since I was last in a mall and I'm wondering how long I can go until my next fix. I practice safe shopping (i.e. I use my credit card only when I can pay it off within the month) so am I really doing harm? Just tell me I'm not. Enable me. Please.....I beg of you.
The Dip
Since I was a kid this event had such strong appeal for me. Why? Probably because I grew up swimming in the lakes no matter what the temperature. Every May 24 long weekend we would go camping and I would always swim. Some years the water was surprisingly warm, others it was a struggle just to get waist-deep. But I always did it and felt so happy afterwards.
I was willing to do the dip on my own, but I thought it would be much more fun if I could recruit some friends. Most friends responded with "Ummm, no. Do you think I'm crazy?" Thankfully, my best friend Marie said yes - and was excited as I was!
We arrived in Oakville on New Year's Day with towels, blankets, water shoes and hats. We undressed to our bathing suits and got in line for the beach. The anticipation was the worst part of the day - we stood there waiting for the first heat to finish their dip, wondering what we had got ourselves into.
When it was our time, we left our towels and blankets on the beach and went down to the water. My Dad was our spotter (there to ensure we got out of the water safely), but he mostly just took pictures. My Mom and Aunt were up higher on the shore cheering us on. Right before the countdown Marie and I were both excited and terrified.
Would I do the dip again? Heck yes. It was an amazing experience that I was able to share with my family and best friend. If I ever struggle with one of my challenges I'll think back to this day and realize that whatever I have to do isn't that bad in comparison.
It's been a while, but I'm back
But since it's not, and since blogs don't have any real feelings (at least none that can be proven) I'm back. And my hopes are high again for this place. Sure, there's a bit of dust in places, and it looks a bit outdated, but with a little TLC I'll have this baby up and running again.
Why the sudden interest in you again? My goal for 2012 is that once a month I will complete something that challenges my comfort zone. Not only is this blog a good place for me to document everything, it is actually something that challenges my comfort zone itself. It's scary throwing yourself out there saying "hey internet (read:world), this is me."
Do I know what I'm going to blog about? Not really. Am I scared that I will discover no one cares about what I have to say? Isn't everyone? I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't think I would run into challenges, but that is exactly what 2012 is all about.
So, hey internet! This is me.